So the TIn Woodman was forced to return sorrowfully to his friends and tell them of the terrible Beast he had seen.
They all wondered greatly at the many forms the Great Wizard could take upon himself,
and the Lion said: "If he is a Besat when I go to see him, I shall roar my loudest, and so frighten him that he will grant all I ask.
And If he is the lovely lady, I shall pretened to spring upin her, and so compel her to do my bidding.
And if he is the great Head, he will be at my mercy; for I will roll his head all about the room until he promises to give us what we desire.
So be of good cheer, my friends, for all will yet be well."
The next morning the soilder with the green whiskers led the Lion to the great Throne Room and bade him enter the presence of Oz.
The Lion at once passed through the door, and glancing around saw, to his surprise, that before the throne was a Ball of Fire.
so fierce and glowing he could scarcely bear to gaze upon it.
His first thought was that Oz had by accident caught on fire and was burning up;
but when he tried to go nearer, the heat was so intense that it singed his whiskers, and he crept back termblingly to a spot nearer the door.
Then a low, quiet voice came from the Ball of Fire, and there were the words it spoke:
"I am Oz, the Great and Terrible. Who are you, and why do you seek me?"
And the Lion answered, "I am a Cowardly Lion, afraid of everything.
I came to you to beg that you give me courage, so that in reality I may become the King of the Beasts, as men call me."
"Why should I give you courage?" demanded Oz.
"Because of all Wizards you are the greatest, and alone have power to grant my request." answered the Lion.
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